Lately, my motivation and will power has been at negative a million. Maybe it’s because I tried so hard to be good pre-wedding that since then I’ve been like…eh, whatevs. Or maybe it’s because I drank my breakfast and lunch for months and now I’m back to eating solids for both those meals. Or perhaps it’s because we’re heading into the worst {best} eating season there is…the holidays.
I am a huge sucker for holiday candies. I can’t help it. I can’t stop…I won’t stop…

{via my instagram}
But I must. Because it’s getting out of hand. Plus, I’m not nearly as motivated to go to the gym as I once was. What the what?! I don’t know what is going on with that. My year at school so far is super busy, so maybe it’s just being tired and having so much to do once I’m home. Maybe it’s that my knees are seriously hurting when I work out {old high school injuries, but I think they’re acting up again because my body is aging}.
I know. Excuses, excuses.
So I’ve got a plan. A while ago, I heard about this plan…Vegan Before 6. It’s basically being a “flexitarian.” You eat like a vegan from morning until dinner time. This means no animal products of any kind {meat, dairy, etc.} but also doesn’t mean eat a bunch of processed carb-junk. I’m also going to cut out carbs for that time and stick to things like quinoa. After 6, you get a two hour window to eat whatever you want. Now, this doesn’t mean cram a whole day’s worth of junk into two hours…but you can have an indulgent meal. Steak, mashed potatoes, side of veggies and wine. Burger, fries and beer. Do what you need to do. But only for that small window. And try not to eat anything after 8:00. If you do though, make it vegan. Tea is a great pre-bed idea.
The hope is that this becomes a new way of life. If you indulge in everything you want once a day then you must be strict vegan with yourself the rest of the day.
To begin with, I’m going to try to stick to this all week. But as I continue with it, I will switch to only weekdays so that my social life can still exist and I don’t feel totally ruled by a plan.
Tomorrow’s menu
Breakfast: green smoothie + coffee
Snack: apple + water
Lunch: salad with veggies + hummus
Snack: almonds + water
Dinner: chickpea soup w/ parmesan + parsley, parmesan crostinis…oh,and some wine
Tea before bed.
That’s the plan Stan. We’ll see how it goes! Here’s to a motivational Monday & a week full of willpower
P.S. Here’s one woman’s experience doing VB6.