Wedding Mode = Beast Mode?
My brain is in full-on wedding mode. I am having a hard time motivating to do anything. Mostly because I want it to be 4th of July already. {via} ^^^good advice any time, but i gotta do this, even...
View ArticleSans Routines
{via} Welp. It’s my second day back in real life. Waking up early to go write curriculum and attempting to get stuff done in the evening. Let me tell ya how I’m doing with that…not so good. Getting...
View ArticleWorking on my Fitness?
Now that I’m easing back into my life routine (keyword: easing), I need to jump back into my workout routine. This is really really hard for me right now. All I want to do is go to the pool…or organize...
View ArticleFriday Fun
This week has been about getting back into the swing of things. I wish I could say I’m used to reporting to work again {teacher here} but I am not. Each night this week, I’ve forgotten that I have to...
View ArticleGoing Vegan…Sorta.
{via} Lately, my motivation and will power has been at negative a million. Maybe it’s because I tried so hard to be good pre-wedding that since then I’ve been like…eh, whatevs. Or maybe it’s because I...
View ArticleIt’s the Heaviest Time of the Year
Alright, so we all know how awful this time of year is for the waistline. It’s bad enough that it’s winter out and we go into hibernation mode. Then, throw in the fact that all the yummy food and...
View ArticleCovet: Fitbit
This isn’t one of those lofty it-costs-too-much-for-me-to-ever-consider-purchasing covets. But it is one that I’d still really like to get. It’s the Fitbit. What is the Fitbit? Well, I’m so glad you...
View ArticleFriday Fun
This week has been so wonderful. No school for the kiddos Monday…snow day on Wednesday…amazing. Now it’s Friday! And my mamacita is coming up to Boston to hang with me. YAY I always love spending time...
View ArticleFriday Fun
The weekend is here! If you celebrate, Happy Easter The hubsband and I are headed to New York for some quality fam time and I can’t wait. The week after that I have spring vacation. Much needed. And...
View ArticleFriday Fun
This weekend, my hubsband and I are headed for NYC to visit some friends. Always fun. The days are flying by as we near summer and each weekend, with some nice weather, is whetting my appetite for the...
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