My brain is in full-on wedding mode. I am having a hard time motivating to do anything. Mostly because I want it to be 4th of July already.
^^^good advice any time, but i gotta do this, even though all i want to do is hibernate until fourth of july^^^
This weekend, I got around to cleaning my apartment and yet it still feels a mess. I also finally got back into the gym this weekend. I am not, however, eating well. I was doing so well and then my bachelorette party happened. And I didn’t think about what I was consuming at all. Then I got back to Boston and was under the weather, intensely craving carbs (helloooo alcoholic weekend ramifications). This lead to continued lack of thought when it came to my nutrition.
Now I’ve gone through a weekend of boozin’ & eatin’ what I feel without thought.
Well, it is June 3rd, and three days shy of an exact month ’til my wedding. If it has ever been time to step it up, it is now officially that time. I’m not quite sure though, why with such a pressing deadline, I am having the HARDEST time motivating! I. Can’t. Do. It.
Maybe it’s the promise of a huge fun party, full of booze & delicious food. Maybe it’s the promise of a honeymoon in Italy with every day gelato, vino & food too delicious to think about. Maybe (definitely) it’s end of the school year, cramming in wedding to dos & laziness.
But I’m kicking myself in the bum and changing gears. I must motivate. There’s wedding, honeymoon, summer. All great reasons to pump pump pump it up. So pump it up I shall.
Plan? Back to Arbonne shakes twice a day with a healthy dinner at night.
Next Monday, I’ll do another three-day juice cleanse to keep me on track.
The week before the wedding, I’ll go low sodium foods to eliminate bloat and puff.
Then it’ll be showtime!!!
Also, I’m going to get into the gym four times a week again, like I was pre-bachelorette.